Discovery Call (FREE)
15-30 minutes
This free phone call is for us to discover if we are a good fit for one another. Please share your main health concerns and what you would like to get out of working with a nutritionist. I will answer any questions that you have, and I will explain my process of personalizing nutrition to help you feel your best.
Initial Consultation
1 hour 30 minutes
This is the first appointment for all new clients. After you complete a health history form, we will dive deeper to understand your whole health journey, as well as your current symptoms. I want to understand your personal challenges and what has and hasn’t worked in the past, and what your intuition is telling you now. Together we can identify your priorities to address first.
Follow-Up Sessions
45 minutes
After the initial consultation, this is where the real progress gets made. In the first follow up, I will share my assessment and individualized plan for you. I will help you identify the next steps for progress. During each subsequent session, we will review how you are doing and learn from it, so that we can adjust the plan as needed to meet your goals.
No package required. I want to get you healed and feeling great as quickly as possible, so that you won’t need me anymore.
Restore your health and vitality through specific whole food recommendations, targeted supplements, and lifestyle support to address your unique needs.
Meet with me through secure video conferencing, on a schedule that meets your needs (typically every other week) until you have sustainable results. Initial assessments will include examining:
medical history
current symptoms
physical signs
diet history and current habits
laboratory data
current medications
current supplements
sleep quality
The ordering of additional functional laboratory testing may be suggested to analyze:
gut microbiome
inflammatory markers
food sensitivities/allergies
micronutrient levels
Supplements are sometimes needed to treat acute symptoms and to address deficiencies caused by medical conditions or medications. I can recommend from the highest quality brands. I do not directly sell products or endorse a particular brand but choose what I think is best for you based on my knowledge and experience with the products. You can use my professional discount and access to Fullscript’s full dispensary of quality products whose ingredients and efficacy have been third party tested.